09 Aug I’m feeling better now, Is It Time To Quit Therapy?
I recommend reviewing this question periodically throughout the therapy process. Think about it. Discuss it with trusted friends or family. Discuss it with your therapist. For some people, periodic review serves as a hedge against drifting along in therapy, possibly without any particular goals. For others, it may prevent leaving therapy prematurely, before accomplishing what they came to therapy for to begin with.
Many people actually start feeling better after scheduling the first appointment. This is very, very common and is best understood as a relief or feeling of optimism that you have taken the first step toward addressing the problems. Some people may even cancel that first appointment at this stage.
But once therapy is underway, there will inevitably be points at which you start feeling a lot better. This is a good thing. I recommend taking a look at whether this improvement is because the problems you came in for have been resolved to an acceptable degree or not. And then, think about how secure you feel that the solutions or symptom resolution is strong and stable. Sometimes after symptom relief is newly established, it is a very good idea to stay in therapy a while longer to make sure it sticks.
I also recommend reviewing the therapy goals themselves from time to time. The original goals may have been resolved or may no longer be appropriate. Likewise, new goals may have presented themselves along the way. This may be because something in life has occurred that is pressing or challenging. More often, it is because as one issue is examined and resolved, others may rise to the surface. This is not unusual. Then the question becomes whether or not to delve into the new issue at this time.
For many, there are quiescent periods during treatment where you may be feeling fine or really just enjoy coming in and reflecting together with your therapist about current life events. Alternately, there may come times when you just want to take a break from therapy and see how it goes not coming in for a while. My personal view of this is that everyone has their own unique needs and feelings which need to be examined together and respected.